Welcome to Safe Schools

We help to keep your students and Staff Safe

The safety philosophy of Safe Schools is based upon the fundamental belief that safety is about looking after people and doing the right thing. We are not driven to achieve compliance, rather we believe that compliance will come, through doing the right thing

About Us

We help Schools Stay Safe

Point of difference Safeschools is staffed by teachers who appreciate that schools are fundamentally different to most other organisations and require specific solutions to safety issues. Our main concern is making schools safer, so whenever possible we make resources free to download. We also offer an ever growing range of other specialist services including a range of audits, hazard management and contractor advice, tailor-made training, as well as, an EOTC documentation checking service.

SafeSchools was initially developed in 2011, as a website that provided information to school managers about how to develop an effective school lockdown procedure. The findings of a research project, completed by Andy Evans that year, indicated that the quality of procedures was particularly poor, and as a gesture of thanks to all schools who had participated in the research a "How to develop school lockdown procedures.” guide was written and placed on the website for school managers to download at no cost.

Our Services

The implication of a safe work place for the education sector is that if staff and students feel safe and secure, they will then be free to teach and learn without fear. This is particularly true of education outside of the classroom (EOTC) activities.


The objective of Safeschools is to offer schools support in ensuring that all practicable steps are being taken to ensure that schools are safe places for staff, students, visitors and contractors. Our main concern is making schools safer, so whenever possible we make resources free to download.

What We Do

Point of difference Safeschools is staffed by teachers who appreciate that schools are fundamentally different to most other organisations and require specific solutions to safety issues. We also offer an ever growing range of other specialist services including a range of audits, hazard management and contractor advice, tailor-made training, as well as, an EOTC documentation checking service.

Andy Evans BSc.(Hons), MMgt(OSH) is the driving force behind SafeSchools. He has eighteen years of teaching experience gained in the UK and NZ. He left teaching in 2013 to commence a role as a health and safety consultant and trainer with one of New Zealand’s leading safety companies. During the past two and a half years he has worked with many of New Zealand’s largest organisations, assisting them with critical risk management, accident investigations and the review of systems and procedures.

It was always Andy’s intention to return to SafeSchools and develop it further. Recent comments in the press that the new health and safety legislation may bring an end to school trips has compelled him to act, Andy is now on a mission, not only to ensure that school trips continue, but that schools themselves are as safe as they can be.

What we do

Our Services

Free Safety Templates

The safety templates for free are extremely helpful to people who need to provide guidelines and other information about security at work. They typically include details about workplace hazards, emergency procedures and safety guidelines for training and more. With these templates, companies can easily design their own safety plans and provide important information regarding safety with their staff. With a variety of online templates you will be able to locate one that fits your requirements and help protect your workplace.

Safety Audit

Safety audits are an important component of ensuring safety workplace and can help to determine the potential hazards or dangers that may harm employees. They assess the safety of an organization is and assess its security and safety management procedures and safety protocols, guidelines and policies. Safety audits on a regular basis can help reduce the amount of accidents and injuries that occur at work, thereby increasing the overall health and wellbeing that the employees. They also aid in ensuring the compliance with regulations is maintained, and decrease the chance of fines and legal liabilities.

EOTC Obligations

The Ministry Education document: EOTC Guidelines Bringing the curriculum alive on how schools can develop procedures and policies in this area. It should be noted that this document is not an approved code of practice and as such schools are not legally obligated to follow its recommendations. It is however it based upon elements of good practice and unless there is very good reason it is recommended that where possible it is followed.


Schools with safety mentoring are a must-have program to provide a safe environment for children. It is safe for children. The aim in the scheme is to link experienced teachers and administrators with administrators or teachers who may not be familiar with the particular school. The mentor-mentee relationship is centered on the development of safe practices to protect themselves along with strategies for emergency response and to handle emergencies. Mentors offer support and guidance as well as assist the student in figuring out strategies to address safety concerns in their school, classroom and at school. Through instilling a sense of safety and security through mentorship, schools can guarantee the safety and wellbeing of their staff and students.


Safety training for schools is a crucial element in creating a safe learning environment for all students, faculty and staff. This course teaches essential procedures for emergencies and protocols which allow schools to react promptly and efficiently in the situation of a crisis or emergency. The training teaches staff how to identify and report threats or unusual behavior as well as how to handle violence in schools, and how to apply life-saving strategies like CPR as well as first-aid. It also will prepare teachers, administrators and others in the staff to handle emergencies such as natural disasters medical emergencies and fires. Through providing comprehensive safety education schools can limit the potential hazards and provide a safe atmosphere where students can flourish.

OSH Compliance

Ensuring school safety is of utmost importance and complying with Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations can help achieve this goal. OSH regulations outline safety standards and protocols to prevent accidents and injuries in workplaces, including schools. School safety managers and faculty must regularly assess and identify potential safety hazards, train the staff and students on safety procedures, and ensure equipment and facilities are in good condition. Compliance with OSH regulations helps provide a safe and healthy learning environment for students and staff, preventing potential accidents, and promoting overall well-being.

Our Staff

Our Team Lead by Andy Evans


We’re Working with

Safety ConsultantsSafety Consultants: Training and Compliance Experts https://safetyconsultants.co.nz/

metanoia safety 

Metanioa Safety Consultants

About Us

SafeSchools was first created in 2011 as a site that offered information to school leaders on the best way to design an effective school lockdown policy. The findings of a study project that was conducted by Andy Evans that year, found that the effectiveness of the procedures was poor and as a way of gratitude to all schools that had taken part in the research, the “How to develop school lockdown procedures.” guide was prepared and posted on the site that school administrators could download for free.

How Can We Help With Your School Safety